Friday, October 28, 2022

Service Laptop Mati Total Ponorogo

 Tempat service laptop dengan kerusakan mati total bisa ke bengkel laptop Buru Computer dengan alamat Jl. Ry Ngebel Desa Plalangan Kecamatan Jenangan Kabupaten Ponorogo.

Lokasi bisa klik link google map di bagian bawah artikel ini.

Kerusakan mati total pada sebuah laptop tidak selalu membutuhkan biaya tinggi karena penyebabnya juga tidak selalu ada di bagian motherboard. Namun untuk menentukan sumber kerusakan tentu saja membutuhkan proses analisa.

Proses analisa dilakukan agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat memutuskan penggantian spare part. Keputusan yang tepat selain meringankan beban biaya juga akan menjaga tidak muncul problem baru yang bisa saja lebih serius pada laptop yang sedang di perbaiki.

Penanganan yang asal-asalan tanpa basic ilmu akan menaikkan resiko munculnya masalah baru. Pemilik laptop harus jeli memilih teknisi. Jangan berfikiran bahwa teknisi profesional selalu membebankan biaya tinggi kepada pemilik laptop, karena justru teknisi yang tidak profesional akan meningkatkan resiko biaya tinggi dikarenakan salah analisa dan salah penanganan.

Lokasi Buru Computer : Google Map

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Repair The DVD room by Cleaning the Laser

This is a trick to fix the dvd room that cannot read the DVD or CD. The dvd room contain a laser lamp that active when managed to read any file of the DVD or CD, and if this laser dirty so cannot reading any file there.
And cleaning this laser will fix this. But for note you cannot do this action to repair the DVD room that its laser have beer broken. So watch the following video fo more detail.

Be carefull for following these steps because the laser is a sensitive electronic component.

Repair Hard Drive Running Slow

One of the causes of the hard drive that is running very very slow is the bad connection between the mainboard to the head unit in the hard drive room. Usually this connector very dirty so make the hard drive working not well, the following video show you the steps how to fix this, very easy for follow.

By cleaning the connector will fix the hard drive that is running very slow, but if the hard drive have bad sector or other broken not fix by using this trick.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fixing Eee PC Dead During Windows installation, Video

The video below is a trick to fix the problem of windows installation process on the Asus Eee PC netbook or other type of the laptop. The problem of this is dead during windows installation proess caused by over heat of the graphics chipset ( VGA ). As we know that windows installation need the fresh performance of the laptop, small problem of the laptop hardware will make the process fall.
When the installation finished the overheat will gone, so we just need to make the graphics chipset still cool, and we try to use the external small fan from the PC power supply and fix it, please watch the video below for more real action.
Follow the steps above if you find the same as problems of the eee pc netbook or other type of the laptop.
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